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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m really liking Apple Music. Mainly because it’s streaming bolted on to a real music library manager, so you can do stuff like edit song metadata, 5-star song ratings (though they really want you to use the stupid favorite system that Spotify also has), playlists that let you filter your library based on rules, and even add/upload your own tracks, so anything that’s missing you can add yourself.

    Though I’m not sure how the experience is if you don’t have a Mac, as the web client is hot garbage and they don’t have a native Linux client.

    1. Disregard Docker. You’ve got NixOS, you don’t need Docker. Thank god.
    2. Configure the services:
    {config, pkgs, ...}: {
      # Jellyfin
      services.jellyfin.enable = true;
      # enable the other *arrs, whichever you want to use
      services.sonarr.enable = true;
      # qbittorrent user and service
      users = {
        groups.torrent = {
          # put users that should be allowed to access torrented media
          members = [config.services.jellyfin.user "you"];
        users.torrent = {
          isSystemUser = true;
          description = "qbittorrent user";
          group = "torrent";
          createHome = true;
          home = "/var/lib/torrent";
      systemd.services.qbittorrent = let
        qbittorrent = pkgs.qbittorrent.override {guiSupport = false;};
      in {
        enable = true;
        description = "qbittorrent daemon";
        documentation = ["man:qbittorrent-nox(1)"];
        wants = ["network-online.target"];
        after = ["network-online.target" "nss-lookup.target"];
        wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"];
        serviceConfig = {
          ExecStart = "${qbittorrent}/bin/qbittorrent-nox";
          User = "torrent";
      # VPN configuration
      networking.wg-quick.interfaces = {
        mullvad = {
          # Insert options for Mullvad
          address = [...];
          dns = [...];
          peers = [
              publicKey = "...";
              allowedIPs = ["" "::0/0"];
              endpoint = "...";
      # file server, SMB unfortunately works the best for all the operating systems
      services.samba = {
        enable = true;
        shares = {
          storage = {
            # where do you store your stuff?
            path = "/path/to/linux/ISOs";
            browseable = "yes";
            "read only" = "no";
            "guest ok" = "yes";
            "create mask" = "0644";
            "directory mask" = "0755";
        extraConfig = ''
          workgroup = WORKGROUP
          server string = ${config.networking.hostName}
          netbios name = ${config.networking.hostName}
          guest account = nobody
          map to guest = bad user
          # No printers
          load printers = no
          printing = bsd
          printcap name = /dev/null
          disable spoolss = yes
          show add printer wizard = no
          dos charset = CP850
          unix charset = UTF-8
          unix extensions = yes
          ; mangled names = no
          map archive = no
          map system = no
          map hidden = no

    This is a minimal config that doesn’t set up specific stuff like qbittorrent’s file storage location or network interface, I’d tell you how to do it but I don’t actually have such a setup. This is just copied from what I have/had in my configuration and looking up services on https://search.nixos.org (very useful site if you don’t know about it).